"Children are not born by chance: they choose to live this life and constantly seek the possibilities to shape the path they chose; their most important goal is to grow and, from a physically, psychologically, and socially safe place in the world, build themselves a significant biography." ~Van der Stel.
With Bernd Ruf, 2018, during Module I for the Emergency Pedagogy certification: “Psychotraumatology”. Picture taken after his first interview for my radio show Amanece.
Life has a way to make things happen.
In the same way my path took to me to meet the Q'ero indigenous tribe in the Andes, during the years 2016 and 2017, instead of studying for the MSc I was so into back then, it also took me to meet an amazing human being, by the name of Bernd Ruf, founder of Emergency Pedagogy in Germany, with whom I started studying in 2018.
I believe the path results from following an inner call, that soft inner voice who always knows.
The more I've followed the call and walked my path, the more I've remembered Campbell's words:
"Big or small, regardless of the state or degree of life, the call always lifts the veil that covers a mystery of transfiguration; a rite, a moment, a spiritual step that when completed is the equivalent of a death and of a rebirth. The familiar horizon of life has been surpassed, the old concepts, ideals, and emotional patterns are no longer useful, the time has come to cross a threshold."
Emergency Pedagogy is based on Waldorf Pedagogy and the Anthroposophic teachings of Rudolph Steiner, which aims to support children victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts, by alleviating the effects of their traumatic experiences.
One of the things that called my attention during the following 5 years I studied with him and his team to become an Emergency Pedagogist, was his deep understanding of the effects of traumatic experiences at soul level, and its relation with what I had learned from Q'ero ancestral wisdom.
Interestingly, during the time I was to deliver my thesis for the long-sought-after certification, I ended up in Colombia, for a trip I had planned to happen the year before, visiting Kogi tribes to learn about their ancestral wisdom.
It is like my path has a timing of its own, and the only way to keep up with it is by following the call –which clearly, has its own agenda.
According to Bernd:
“Trauma disrupts the lives of victims in a profound way, producing an alteration in thinking, feeling, and acting, an alteration in their vision of themselves and the world.
Children who are born do not come into the world as blank sheets. The spiritual dimension of the child, what can be experienced as infantile individuality and which will later be called 'I', comes from a pre-existence and is united with corporality in a process of incarnation. From the beginning, every child brings his or her own prenatal life goals into the world. Since their arrival into the world, children search for their own identity and the possibility of being able to travel their own path of biographical development. Children are the managers of their own lives.
At the time of birth, two different evolutionary currents converge: the emotional-spiritual aspect of the being in gestation, coming from prenatal existence, which unites with the physical-material foundation coming from the hereditary current of the parents. But if the external conditions do not coincide with what the child's individuality aspires to for his life, if his own intentions are inhibited or made impossible, then the soul-spiritual part will try to break the chains and escape.
The damage caused by civilization and traumatic wounds prevent us from finding the meaning of our own existence.
Traumas can persistently alter the entire process of incarnation, they can bury the prenatal motives of incarnation and thus trigger deep existential crises. Then the human being suffers a 'sense of meaninglessness, associated with a feeling of emptiness, an existential void.' (Frankl, 2018).
Traumas are earthquakes of the soul. They shake emotional landscapes and cause the collapse of entire regions of the soul. The prenatal reasons for life are buried in the process. In this way, traumas can persistently block the child's evolutionary path and biographical potential and lead to suffering from a meaningless life."
Even though I started this path in 2005, it wasn't clear for me, back then, where the path would lead me. I just knew I had to follow the call, which I’ve been doing ever since.
Looking back, I can see everything in my path was always taking me somewhere, I was never adrift, I was bringing my pre-natal life goals into the world, I was creating Trauma Healing, my unique, integral approach to individual, ancestral, and collective trauma, which seems to be coming to completion now, in a time when it is so very much needed.
Your soul carries an important message too. You are born with this message. At soul level, trauma conceals the message and the resources it comes with to get known in the world. This is why it is so important to integrate trauma, because you need to deliver your soul's message to the world.
If you feel something is preventing you from setting your goals for an amazing year, if you are unsure about your path or your soul's message for the world, or if you have experienced a traumatic event and would like support and guidance to integrate the past and retrieve those pieces of your soul that are holding up your unique message along with your inner resources to bring it forth, I can journey with you to retrieve and integrate the lost pieces of your soul during trauma, so you can freely create what you came here to do.
Look around you… we all need you!
⇢ Go here to learn about my 3-session Soul Trauma Healing program.
I look forward to hearing from you.
~ Luciana, xx.
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